Can older adults learn health information with a murder mystery story told by a smart speaker?
We designed “Mystery Agent,” a storytelling voice assistant teaching health information to older adults using an interactive murder mystery story.
Meet "Mystery Agent," an interactive storytelling VUI designed for older adults to learn health information through a murder mystery story. Our study involved 10 older adults with a mean age of 68.1, and we found that they had a positive experience with Mystery Agent, considering it usable, likable, trustworthy, and intelligent. They also enjoyed using it as a fun and engaging way to learn health information. We identified credibility, compassion, and personalization as crucial factors for future VUI designs aimed at this population. By integrating these factors, we can create more effective and engaging VUIs that can improve health literacy and outcomes for older adults. Our research highlights the potential of combining popular VUI technology with the effectiveness of auditory stories to create a unique and engaging way to deliver health information that can be accessible and beneficial to older adults.
—Mixed methods
—Usability study
—Semi-structured interview
—Thematic analysis
—Statistical analysis
—Godspeed measures (likeability, intelligence, trust)
—Positive and negative affect scale (PANAS)
—System Usability Scale (SUS)
—10 older adults (Average age: 68.1 years)