Can older adults use voice interfaces to exercise?
We built a voice agent capable of acting as an exercise instructor to support older adults seeking to live an active life.

Description (ongoing)
The implementation of physical activity (PA) programs for older adults based on evidence is limited, in part, due to the high costs associated with administration-related personnel. However, the growing popularity of off-the-shelf smart speakers and conversational agents (CAs) presents an opportunity for delivering scalable PA programs to older adults at home. To explore this potential, we designed a PA virtual coach based on an evidence-based program and tested it on a Google Home device in a user study with older adults. The study showed that all participants were able to complete the PA program with guidance from the virtual coach. Additionally, they expressed high acceptance of and intentions to use CAs in the future. These findings suggest that virtual coaches delivered through CAs can provide an accessible and cost-effective option for delivering PA programs to older adults. By removing the barriers associated with traditional administration-related personnel, this approach could help improve the health and well-being of older adults.
—Usability Testing
—Semi-structured interview
—Longitudinal study
—10 older adults
—Longitudinal deployment with more older adults ongoing
—Thematic Analysis
—Statistical analysis
—Technology acceptance
—Godspeed measures
—Positive and negative affect scale (PANAS)
—System usability scale (SUS)